What is a Rogue Scholar?

I had a quote in my first book, "I'm not a Rhodes Scholar but a Rogue Scholar." A play on words, where one gets to study at Oxford, the Rogue Scholar is an intensely curious blue-collar student of life in all its variety.

They never stop learning. School isn't required, just studying for yourself and what you want to apply to life.

Examples of Rogue Scholars are Eric Hoffer, a longshoreman with a wide breadth of knowledge and a published author. Socrates, who was just really good at asking questions. Henry David Thoreau was an American writer, philosopher, and naturalist who is best known for his book Walden and his essay "Civil Disobedience."

Modern scholars like Nasim Nicholas Taleb, Daniel Dennet, and Jordan Peterson. Joe Rogan would be another good example.

In Pat Mac’s Keep the Blaze Alive Coaching Squad, there are a few. C.J. Ortiz, for example.

Only one prerequisite: an intense curiosity.

What Topics Will We Cover?

  • Theology: Exegesis, Apologetics, Practicality, etc.

  • Philosophy: The filters we look at life through and how we navigate it.

  • Preparedness: Self-Protection, Fitness, Self-Reliance

  • Personal Growth: Motivation, Fitness, Recommended Reading, Introspection

  • Current Events: Looking at the world through the eyes of the above listed.

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